Council of Governors
Past Chairs of the Greater Vancouver Board of Trade form a Council of Governors. Each spring, the organization honours and celebrates these distinguished leaders at the annual Governors' Gala and Rix Awards.
Below is a list of Governors and the year they served as Chair of the Greater Vancouver Board of Trade.
2022–23 Radha Curpen
2021–22 Kirsten Sutton, ICD.D
2020–21 Brent Cameron
2019–20 Kari Yuers
2018–19 Lori Mathison
2017–18 Anne Giardini, O.C., O.B.C., Q.C.
2016–17 Robin Silvester, ICD.D
2015–16 Tim Manning, O.B.C.
2014–15 Hon. Janet Austin, O.B.C.
2013–14 Elio Luongo
2012–13 Ken Martin
2011–12 Hon. Wendy Lisogar-Cocchia, C.M., O.B.C., LL.D. (Hon)
2010–11 Jason McLean
2009–10 Sue Paish, Q.C.
2008–09 Dr. Don Rix, C.M. O.B.C.
2007–08 Henry K.S. Lee
2006–07 Frank Borowicz, Q.C.
2005–06 Daniel F. Muzyka
2004–05 Graeme A.G. Stamp
2003–04 Jeff Dowle
2002–03 Peter Legge, O.B.C.
2001–02 Carole Taylor, O.C., O.B.C.
2000–01 Harri Jansson
1999–2000 T. Richard Turner
1998–99 A. Allan Skidmore
1997–98 Robert A. Fairweather
1996–97 Brandt C. Louie, O.B.C.
1995–96 Wayne A. Nygren
1994–95 Jill Bodkin
1994 George F. Gaffney
1993–94 Iain J. Harris
1992–93 David G. McLean, O.B.C., LL.D, F.ICD
1989–90 Larry I. Bell, O.B.C.
1988–89 Peter H. Hebb
1987–88 Bob Kadlec
1986–87 Graham Clarke
1985–86 Arthur Hara, O.C.
1984–85 Allen M. Fowlis
1978 Donald C. Selman