The application process is currently closed and will reopen spring 2025.


The Greater Vancouver Board of Trade is Western Canada's most active and influential business association. The Greater Vancouver Board of Trade's Governance and Nominating Committee is responsible for presenting nominees for election to the Board of Directors.  Nominees can assist this Committee by completing this form.  We request information that is relevant to skills, expertise, interests, and experience appropriate for our Board of Directors and its responsibility for our Purpose, Vision and Mission. 


Purpose, Vision, and Mission


OUR PURPOSE: To lead, unite and champion business to ensure Greater Vancouver is thriving and our region is the best place to live and work.

OUR VISION: To be an active, innovative, trusted, credible business organization, known for influencing decision-makers, and educating, connecting with, and engaging our communities.

OUR MISSION: To provide leadership, information and connections, and public policy support that help ensure the Greater Vancouver region is competitive and the preferred Pacific Gateway for trade, commerce, and travel.

WE ARE informed, respectful, principled, collaborative, and professional.

The GVBOT aims to reflect a balance of skills, experience, and diversity (ethnic, cultural, age and geographic. The GVBOT aims to reflect these skills and experiences through an appropriate balance diversity (ethnic, cultural, age and geographic).  The GVBOT Board of Directors unanimously adopted The 50-30 Challenge in December 2020, aspiring to achieve gender parity and significant representation of under-represented groups on the board and senior management. Further focus will be placed on those Directors who offer more than credentials or designations and can contribute to a culture that accelerates business success by advocating and influencing public policy, connecting businesses, and presenting thought leaders.

Qualifications Sought in Board Members




The Board is strong and effective when the following core competencies are represented, and each Director contributes knowledge, experience, and skills in at least two domains:

  • Strategic Planning
  • Executive Experience/Leadership
  • Finance, Audit, Investment, and Risk Management Entrepreneurship
  • Legal & Regulatory
  • Previous Boards/Governance (Board Chair, Committee Chair, Corporate Secretary)
  • Human Resources (Executive Compensation & Search, HR & Compensation, Board and CEO succession)
  • Governance and Nominating
  • Communications and Marketing
  • Real Estate, Land Development and Construction
  • International Business
  • Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability
  • Fundraising
  • Information Technology
  • Stakeholder Relations


The following characteristics are fundamental to the recruitment of new Board members to support the Purpose, Vision, and Mission of the Greater Vancouver Board of Trade.

A. Membership and Commitment

  • When considering nominations, preference is given to those with prior volunteer involvement with the Greater Vancouver Board of Trade.
  • When nominated, Directors must be members in good standing of the Greater Vancouver Board of Trade.
  • When nominated, Directors must agree to support the Purpose, Vision and Mission of the Greater Vancouver Board of Trade.

B. Integrity and Accountability

  • Directors must have demonstrated high ethical standards and integrity in their personal and professional dealings and must be willing to act on – and remain accountable for – their boardroom decisions.
  • Directors must demonstrate understanding of the duties and responsibilities of a Board of Directors.
  • Directors should be respected and influential in the community and/or possess special knowledge, skills or experience which would assist the work of the Board.

C. Informed Judgment

  • Directors should be able to provide wise and thoughtful counsel on a broad range of issues.

D. Financial Literacy

  • Directors should be financially literate and familiar with processes for evaluating organizational performance.

E. Mature Confidence

  • Directors must value the performance of the Board over individual performance and should demonstrate respect for others in executing their responsibilities to the Greater Vancouver Board of Trade.

F. High Performance Standards

  • Directors must have a history of achievements that reflect high standards for themselves and others, enabling them to contribute to the superior performance of the Greater Vancouver Board of Trade's Board.

G. Time Availability

  • Directors must be willing and able to devote the time and effort necessary to fully participate in the governance of the organization.