2024 Business Distinction Awards

The Scale-up Centre for SMEs at the Greater Vancouver Board of Trade is pleased to present the 3rd Annual Business Distinction Awards. These awards recognize businesses that have gone above and beyond to set themselves apart in the Greater Vancouver region.

Nominations are now open for the 2024 awards! The deadline to nominate your business or someone else's is 5:00 p.m. on Monday, May 6, 2024 Monday, May 13, 2024.

Finalists will be notified in June and the winners will be announced at a special event in fall 2024. 

Help us celebrate business excellence in our community!

Read about the 2023 Winners and Finalists
Read about the 2022 Winners and Finalists

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Nominees head office must be based in Greater Vancouver, B.C.
  • Nominees must be SMEs with no more than 250 employees.
  • Nominations are open to GVBOT Members and Non-members.
  • Nominators may submit nominations for more than one business.
  • Self-nominations are accepted.
  • A business may be nominated in more than one category but are limited to being a finalist or winner in one category only.
  • Businesses may not win in the same category in consecutive years.
  • Nominations are due by 5:00 p.m. on Monday, May 6, 2024 Monday, May 13, 2024

Award Categories:

  • Non-profit of the Year
    • This award recognizes a non-profit organization that has made extraordinary social, cultural or economic impact on the community in the last 12-18 months.
  • Employer of the Year
    • This award recognizes a business that has invested in leading practices in the last 12-18 months that contribute to an overall positive workplace culture.
  • Outstanding New Venture
    • The New Venture Award recognizes excellence in entrepreneurship by highlighting an outstanding new business launched within the last three years.
  • Business Growth: Operating 3+ Years
    • This award recognizes excellence in entrepreneurship by highlighting a business innovation, expansion, or diversification achieved by an organization established before 2021.
  • Environmental Impact
    • This award recognizes a business for its positive contributions to environmental sustainability and conservation efforts through a recently introduced or reimagined product or service.
  • Unique-to-Vancouver
    • This new award celebrates and showcases the outstanding contributions of businesses that enrich the cultural fabric of the region, promote diversity and inclusion, and contribute to its overall vibrancy and livability.

Select the Award Category for Nomination *

Nominee Information

Company Name *
Company size, by number of employees: *
Head Office Address *
Province *
City *
Postal Code *
First Name *
Last Name *
Professional Title *
Email *
Phone *

    Non-profit of the Year

    This award recognizes a non-profit organization that has made extraordinary social, cultural or economic impact on the community in the last 12-18 months.

    Describe the goals and outcomes your non-profit set out to achieve in the most recent financial year. Were they achieved and what was the impact? *
    0 (Max. 2000 Characters)
    Describe how your organization effectively engages staff and volunteers. What strategies, programs, culture, and professional development processes and practices do you have in place to ensure high retention? *
    0 (Max. 2000 Characters)
    Describe how your organization collaborates and engages with the community. How do you mobilize volunteers, donors, and other stakeholders to support your objectives? What are some partnerships that have been effective in maximizing impact? *
    0 (Max. 2000 Characters)
    Describe your organization’s long-term vision and impact and how will you build capacity and fundraise to ensure continued success and impact into the future. *
    0 (Max. 2000 Characters)

    Employer of the Year

    This award recognizes a business that has invested in leading practices in the last 12-18 months that contribute to an overall positive workplace culture.

    Describe practices implemented recently to improve employee happiness and well-being and overall workplace culture. *
    0 (Max. 2000 Characters)
    Describe your recruitment, retention, and talent development processes and how they have been successful. *
    0 (Max. 2000 Characters)
    Describe your employee wellbeing and inclusion programs and how they have benefitted your employees. *
    0 (Max. 2000 Characters)

    Please submit verifiable data which may include but isn’t limited to: *


    • Summary of employee engagement survey results.
    • Press releases or media acknowledgments.
    • Testimonial(s) from employees.
    • Partner or client testimonial(s) .
    Only one PDF document that is no more than 10 pages and 10MB. If you have difficulty attaching your documents, please email them to
    Drag & Drop Files Here Browse Files

    Outstanding New Venture

    The New Venture Award recognizes excellence in entrepreneurship by highlighting an outstanding new business launched within the last three years.

    Describe the problem in the market you are trying to solve and how your solution addresses it. *
    0 (Max. 2000 Characters)
    Describe the features or attributes of your product or service that set it apart from existing offerings. What specific innovations or advancements led to making this a fit for the market? *
    0 (Max. 2000 Characters)
    Describe your customer satisfaction and loyalty, and the strategies and tactics that led to customer acquisition and market share *
    0 (Max. 2000 Characters)
    Demonstrate the financial viability of your business’s offerings. Anything shared will be confidential. *
    0 (Max. 2000 Characters)

    Please attach any relevant documents at the end of this form or if you prefer you can email them to Rosine Hage-Moussa, Dir of Events, Programs & EDI Initiatives at  .

    Business Growth: Operating 3+ Years

    This award recognizes excellence in entrepreneurship by highlighting a business innovation, expansion, or diversification achieved by an organization established before 2021.

    Describe the growth of your organization in the past 12 months and the innovation, expansion or diversification of your product or service that led to this growth. *
    0 (Max. 2000 Characters)
    Describe any challenges posed by the recent growth and how the company’s leadership addressed them. *
    0 (Max. 2000 Characters)
    Describe your approach to customer satisfaction and loyalty and outline the strategies or tactics that have positively impacted customer acquisition and market share. *
    0 (Max. 2000 Characters)
    Demonstrate the financial viability of your business’s offerings. Anything shared will be confidential. *
    0 (Max. 2000 Characters)

    Please attach any relevant documents at the end of this form or if you prefer you can email them to Rosine Hage-Moussa, Dir of Events, Programs & EDI Initiatives at  .

    Environmental Impact

    This award recognizes a business for its positive contributions to environmental sustainability and conservation efforts through a recently introduced or reimagined product or service.

    Describe how your product or service addresses an environmental issue. *
    0 (Max. 2000 Characters)

    What is the measurable impact of your product or service on any/all of the following in the last 12-18 months:  *


    1. Resource conservation and efficiency
    2. Carbon footprint reduction
    3. Pollution prevention and waste reduction
    4. Other?
    0 (Max. 2000 Characters)
    Describe the long-term vision for your product or service to make an increasingly positive impact on the environment. *
    0 (Max. 2000 Characters)


    This new award celebrates and showcases the outstanding contributions of businesses that enrich the cultural fabric of the region, promote diversity and inclusion, and contribute to its overall vibrancy and livability.

    Describe your business’ tangible contributions to the Greater Vancouver region and initiatives that foster community engagement and cohesion. *
    0 (Max. 2000 Characters)
    Describe how your business is unique and innovative in its offerings of products or services that differentiate it from competitors while contributing to the city’s social development. *
    0 (Max. 2000 Characters)
    Describe your business’ commitment and long-term vision for ongoing enhancement of our region’s cultural landscape, ensuring arts, culture, diversity and inclusion remain integral to our regions' identity and future prosperity. *
    0 (Max. 2000 Characters)

    Nominator Information

    First Name *
    Professional Title *
    Last Name *
    Company *
    Address *
    Province *
    City *
    Postal Code *
    Phone *
      Email *

      I would like my nomination to remain anonymous: *

      If you select “yes” we will not inform your nominee of your nomination.

      Supporting Documents

      Only one PDF document that is no more than 10 pages and 10MB. If you have difficulty attaching your documents, please email them to
      Drag & Drop Files Here Browse Files
      Confirmation *

      By checking this box, I confirm that the nomination I am submitting is accurate and reflective of the nominee for the 2024 Business Distinction Awards.

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      Thank you for your application.


      Those selected to move to the next step will be contacted.

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