News release: Greater Vancouver Regional Export Framework unveiled at NASCO Continental Reunion

September 28, 2018


For Immediate Release
Sept. 27, 2018

VANCOUVER, B.C. — World Trade Centre Vancouver released new research today on our region’s economy and key export markets around the world for Greater Vancouver’s products and services.

Developed in partnership with researchers at the Conference Board of Canada over the past year, the Greater Vancouver Regional Export Framework offers a comprehensive analysis of our regional economy and identifies opportunities for growth on the horizon.

“We are very excited to unveil the Regional Export Framework, a unique piece of research that provides a forward-looking perspective for our priority markets, sectors, and opportunities to enhance international trade, including for Indigenous businesses,” said Austin Nairn, Executive Director of World Trade Centre Vancouver. “We anticipate that this research will serve as a useful reference point for local exporters who are looking at where next to sell their products and services abroad.”

“The Regional Export Framework underscores the economic importance of our region’s role as Canada’s Pacific Gateway, which presents immense opportunities for businesses in Greater Vancouver,” added Robin Dhir, Chair of the Greater Vancouver Board of Trade’s World Trade Centre Advisory Committee. “These findings are particularly relevant in light of evolving trade agreements, such as the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), which gives businesses in our region access to burgeoning markets, notably in the Asia-Pacific region.”

The new framework was unveiled at a special event today, held in conjunction with the 14th annual NASCO Continental Reunion in Vancouver — a North America-wide conference with business leaders from Canada, the United States and Mexico in attendance.

The Honourable Bruce Ralston, B.C.’s Minister of Jobs, Trade and Technology, provided welcoming remarks at the event on behalf of the Government of British Columbia and presented awards for the Top Export Plan of the Year to two deserving alumni of the Trade Accelerator Program.

The Regional Export Framework was conducted by World Trade Centre Vancouver, a subsidiary of the Greater Vancouver Board of Trade. To review the preliminary findings and explore our infographic, visit


About the World Trade Centre Vancouver:

World Trade Centre Vancouver is part of the World Trade Centers Association, a not-for-profit, non-partisan association dedicated to the establishment and effective operation of World Trade Centers as instruments for trade expansion. The World Trade Centers Association is an international ecosystem of global connections and integrated trade services made up of over 300 World Trade Center locations in nearly 100 countries, representing over 750,000 businesses globally.

About the Greater Vancouver Board of Trade:

Since its inception in 1887, the Greater Vancouver Board of Trade has been recognized as Pacific Canada’s leading business association, engaging members to impact public policy at all levels of government and to succeed and prosper in the global economy. With a Membership whose employees comprise one-third of B.C.’s workforce, we are the largest business association between Victoria and Toronto. We leverage this collective strength, facilitating networking opportunities, and providing professional development through four unique Signature Programs. In addition, we operate one of the largest events programs in the country, providing a platform for national and international thought leaders to enlighten B.C.’s business leaders.

Media enquiries:

Greg Hoekstra
Communications Manager
Greater Vancouver Board of Trade
604-640-5450 |