5 Things to Know About Greater Vancouver’s Infrastructure & Sustainability

The Benchmarking Greater Vancouver 2024 Report examines how our city compares to other top global cities. It's based on three major areas: Economy, Infrastructure and Sustainability, and Liveability. Today, we're focusing on Infrastructure and Sustainability.
Let’s review five things you should know about how we’re keeping our city green, connected, and liveable.
1. We’re leading the Transit Comeback
Greater Vancouver's public transit system has bounced back faster than any other major North American city post-pandemic. It’s a big win for keeping our city moving and proving that we’re committed to staying on track, even when times get tough.

2. Walking to Transit is a Breeze
About 40% of us can easily walk to primary public transport, putting us second among similar cities. That means less time stuck in traffic and more time for a stroll while keeping it green.

3. Our Green Spaces are Top-Notch
Greater Vancouver’s parks and green spaces are healthier than 90% of cities worldwide. We’re leading the pack in keeping our environment lush and green.

4. We’re Slashing Carbon Emissions, but some concerns remain
Since before the pandemic, Greater Vancouver has made big strides in cutting carbon emissions, landing us in the top 10% globally. This proves we’re serious about fighting climate change and moving towards a cleaner, greener future. Although we are progressing in the green aspect, we still have a long way to go. The region's green finance and green maritime sectors are both rated in the bottom half of its peer group.

5. We Need to Step Up Our Micro-Mobility Game
Despite all the good stuff, we’re lagging in cycling and micro-mobility options. Greater Vancouver is 8th out of 9 peers for using micro-mobility options, which shows that we’ve got some work to do to make our city friendlier for bikes and other small, eco-friendly rides. Thankfully, since the report, Lime was selected to operate City of Vancouver's new e-scooter share service.

Greater Vancouver’s doing a lot right regarding sustainability and keeping our city connected, but there’s room for improvement. By knowing where we shine and where we need to step up, we can all play a part in making Greater Vancouver the best it can be. Let’s keep pushing for a greener, more efficient future!