Powering Progress: BC Hydro’s plan for growth, security and sustainability
Powering Progress: BC Hydro's plan for growth, security and sustainability
In these uncertain times, the stability and security of our energy system is more crucial than ever. For decades, BC Hydro has been a steadfast provider of clean and affordable electricity to homes, businesses, and industries across the province. Today, more than ever, BC Hydro remains dedicated to maintaining British Columbia's clean energy advantage while proactively meeting growing demand from new and existing customers and fostering economic development.
Join Chris O'Riley, President and CEO of BC Hydro — B.C.'s largest Crown corporation — for this fourth GVBOT address, as he discusses the significant investments being made to support BC Hydro's five million customers. Learn about the ongoing efforts to increase renewable power sources, enhance regional and community infrastructure, particularly in Metro Vancouver, and expand energy efficiency programs.
Keynote Speaker:

President & CEO
BC Hydro
Chris O'Riley leads BC Hydro, B.C.'s largest Crown corporation, owned by the government and people of British Columbia. BC Hydro safely provides reliable, affordable, renewable electricity to over five million customers.
To ensure a reliable supply of this critical product, BC Hydro is spending approximately $3.6 billion per year over the next 10 years to refurbish and expand its electricity assets. With construction of the Site C Project nearing completion, BC Hydro continues to seek opportunities to support renewable energy development in B.C., such as through low-carbon electrification.
Chris built his career at BC Hydro, starting as an engineer-in-training fresh out of university in 1990. He has held positions throughout the organization and across the province during his career, including working with customers, leading operations, overseeing capital projects, and managing risk for BC Hydro's trading subsidiary, Powerex. Chris is a Professional Engineer in electrical engineering and holds a master's degree in Business Administration from the Ivey School of Business at the University of Western Ontario.
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