Habitat Build Day with Habitat for Humanity Greater Vancouver
Join our Company of Young Professional’s Outreach Committee in volunteering and supporting Habitat for Humanity Greater Vancouver's Habitat Build Days. Your efforts will go a long way in helping provide a long-term solution to the affordable housing crisis in Greater Vancouver.
Habit for Humanity’s mission is to mobilize volunteers and community partners in building affordable housing and promoting home ownership as a means to breaking the cycle of poverty. Through volunteer labour and donations of money and materials, Habitat works with families in need to build safe, decent and affordable housing. Now more than ever, families need the security and stability of a safe and decent home that they can afford. That's why Habitat Greater Vancouver is rallying everyone together to help us complete 6 homes in Richmond and 19 in Mission.
With the necessary COVID-19 protocols in place, and room to social distance, join other CYP Members at the building site located at 8180 Ash Street, Richmond. Where you get to work on all aspects of the build from electrical, to painting, to landscaping. Regardless of skill level, there is always a way to contribute.
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