DTW  Form

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  • Company Profile
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Please be advised that it will take approximately 5-10 minutes to complete this application form. To complete the application, you will need the following documents or information: Total Revenue, Export Revenue (if you are exporting) and Number of employees in your organization for the current year, previous year and 2 years prior.

To qualify for a full bursary, companies must:

  • Be looking to prepare for Digital Transformation.
  • Have a proven track record of domestic or international sales.
  • Be committed to actively participating in and completing the program.

All applications are reviewed to ensure readiness for the workshop and a member of the DTW team will contact you upon receiving your application. For more information, or to understand if your company qualifies, please contact the DTW Team at

Contact Info

First Name *
0 (Max. 100 Characters)
Last Name *
0 (Max. 100 Characters)
Job Title *
0 (Max. 100 Characters)
Email *
Phone *
    0 (Max. 15 Characters)

    Company Info

    Company Legal Name *
    0 (Max. 250 Characters)
    Province / Territory *
    City / Municipality  *
    0 (Max. 100 Characters)
    Website *
    0 (Max. 150 Characters)
    Org Acct #
    0 (Max. 10 Characters)
    Who referred you to apply to DTW? *
    Have you taken any of WTC-V's other program in the past?*
    0 (Max. 100 Characters)
    Select all that applies
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    DTW Application Form

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    • Company Profile
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    Most recent Annual Sales – ($)CAD
    On a scale of 1-5 1 being lowest and 5 being advanced, how would you rate your company's current digital status/maturity level? *
    • Digital Novice: Digital Novices are just starting out on the digital journey. Their processes may be manual with silos between departments. These organizations have opportunities to improve the use of technology and data to develop an increased competitive capability.  

    • Digital Explorer: Digital Explorers have started to adopt the use of technology and process automation to help their organization. They often have access to some basic data that can be used to optimize decision making. There are still silos between departments. There are many opportunities for these organizations to improve the use of technology and data to increase competitive capabilities.  

    • Digital Intermediary: Digital Intermediaries adopt the use of technology and process automation to help their organizations. Typically, these organizations analyze data to assist with decision making - albeit in a siloed manner. Digital intermediaries have better linkages between the business and technology teams to meet the needs of customers and key stakeholders.  

    • Digital Innovator: Digital Innovators have successfully adopted technology, process automation, and the use of insights from data to help their organization. They have a culture that is opened to change and new ideas. Employees are focused on the needs of customers.  

    • Digital Leader: Digital Leaders are customer-centric and regularly embrace change and technology to remain competitive. Digital leaders have successfully adopted technology and process automation to connect their departments with strong governance in place. Real time data insights are used to optimize product / service decisions. 

    What are your digital transformation goal?*
    Attract new customers
    Improve supply-chain efficiencies
    Manage your workforce virtually
    Recruit and retain workforce internationally
    Streamline costs
    Setting up international operations
    Protecting my IP
    Being competitive
    Creating an international strategy
    What are your main challenges or concerns with respect to digital transformation?*
    We don't have a sense of what digital transformation really means let alone the finances or technical knowledge to start.
    We are not clear on how to modify our organizational structure to promote digital transformation.
    We are not sure of the type of investments required for a digital transformation program.
    We are starting to invest in technology but could use guidance around where to invest and prioritize.
    We are investing in technology and process change but could use guidance around creating a clear corporate vision.
    Specify here
    0 (Max. 1000 Characters)
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    What We Need From You

    Commitment *

    Commit to attend delivery day in full .

    Consent to Share & Receive Information *

    I hereby consent to the World Trade Centre Vancouver collecting, storing and sharing my contact information with other participants in the Digital Transformation Workshop, in accordance with the Board's Privacy Policy. I understand that I can withdraw my consent at any time.


    I hereby authorize the World Trade Centre Vancouver to store and share the information collected in this form, including contact information, with the Digital Transformation Workshop partnering organizations, in accordance with the Board's Privacy Policy. I understand that I can withdraw my consent at any time.

    CLIENT AUTHORIZATION: The participant and the organization whom the participant represents hereby release the Greater Vancouver Board of Trade from any liability whatsoever and they hereby waive any recourse, claim or legal action of any kind whatsoever.

    0 (Max. 100 Characters)

    have read and agree to the Client Authorization terms above.

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    Thank you. 


    We look forward to having you at the workshop.



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